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Ideal Hunt


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2011
Reaction score
Wayne Co. , Tennessee
You step out of the truck walk out on a point fire off a big hoot and gobble! Gobble!! 1,2,3 birds fire off on your hoot! In your best case scenario where does the hunt go from here step by step?
Best case scenario it is a bachlor group of 2yr olds with no hens. Wait until they fly down hit them with a little calling to see how they it and hope they race in to be the first to the hen....There are no exacts in turkey hunting.
My ideal hunt is what you put. If I can get one to fire off close enough for me to start the game I am a happy man regardless of the outcome.

Sure walking back to the truck with him is beyond awesome, but just the ability to play the game each time out is what makes it all worth it to me.
I give them one maybe two more hoots just to dial in to their exact location. Then head to try and get within hundred yards of them. As soon as I think theyre on the ground I give them some soft yelps and wait for their response. Just a love of the game of cat and mouse. He sure is gonna be heavy packing out lol
Flip a coin on which one to go after and ease as close as you can and sit down. Hopefully he continues to gobble on his own but throw a few soft yelps his way so he knows there's a "hen" not too far away that he needs to check out. Hopefully you chose the bird that didn't have hens and he's eager to meet his new girlfriend which is a load of #5's.
Step one- cut the distance on them.

Step two- get set up either level or slightly above them.

Step three- work them softly at first, but heat it up as necessary

Step four- smoke him at less than 30 yards.

Step five- head home and spend the rest of the day with my family.
bvoss said:
Step one- cut the distance on them.

Step two- get set up either level or slightly above them.

Step three- work them softly at first, but heat it up as necessary

Step four- smoke him at less than 30 yards.

Step five- head home and spend the rest of the day with my family.


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