ACTUALLY, I believe you have a GREAT BUCK there!
You see, that buck is young, and he has way above average antlers for his age. That means he's genetically superior in the antler department. All he needs to "express" his potential is age.
It's really a challenge to guess a buck's age, for me, anytime, but much harder during the summer. But I don't believe this buck is any older than 3 1/2, and he may be only 2 1/2.
In the top pick, I lean towards 3 1/2. Middle pic, I lean towards 2 1/2. Force me to pick one, and I'll guess 3 1/2.
My scoring guess is he'll go around 115 gross.
Now let's just entertain the thought he might be only 2 1/2.
Based on the averages, he would go from about 115 to 150-plus by 3 1/2. But maybe he's 3 1/2 now, and will only hit 140 or so in another year. Either way, another year places his rack way up there for a TN buck.
And if he's only 2 1/2 now, you may have a B&C buck there should he survive only 2 or 3 more years.