I shoot both recurves and so called hybrid longbows. I prefer recurves mainly because of their heavier mass weight and grip. You can get hybrid longbows with recurve grips.
Personally I like Schafer Silvertip recurves. Excellent craftsmanship, they feel good in my hand, and they shoot fast enough to kill any game animal. But that is just a personal preference. Many bowyers build excellent bows. Finding the bow that fits you is the tough part. With good form and consistency, you can shoot any quality bow well.
For a hybrid longbow, I prefer the Thunderhorn Coup Stick. Once again it feels good, is well made, and is plenty fast.
I like a 60 or 62" bow. My draw weight is in the 55#@27" range. With a well tuned arrow and razor sharp broadheads, my setups will kill anything from ground hogs to grizzlies.