If you could...


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2011
Reaction score
Polk County
If you could Tag out the first week would you? I used to have a property that I could hunt the first week and tag out easily. I tagged out early once. My friends hunted all spring and all I could do was fish. That was the last time I tagged out early. I would kill 3 birds early then hold out for a whopper towards the end of season. The best part was I got to hunt. Now since I lost that property I don't have to worry about it as much lol. Anyone hold a tag until the end of season?
timberjack86 said:
Anyone hold a tag until the end of season?
I nearly always retain the option to hunt for a gobbler (by holding on to that last tag) until the season ends. I do the same with a buck tag for deer.

Most years, I could limit out during the first week of turkey season, but have come to enjoy the hunting more than being able to "limit out". Most years now I don't limit out simply because I end up not getting one on the last day. I enjoy stretching out the season, and do so by "passing" on jakes and short-bearded birds, sometimes even a nice longbeard. And sometimes I just enjoy even more helping another hunter get his.
i have done it before and it make the rest of the season not as fun for me. I usually try and get 2 under the belt the first week then just take it all in and enjoy the rest of the season.
I always try to hold on to one. usually I have a bird that gets under my skin every year and I start to really target specific birds or at least what I think are the same when they hang up or something crazy like that. I have some friends that tag out in 4 days and I would go crazy if turkey season was only four days long for me. so I always hold on to one.
No way!! Perfect season for me would be to kill one the first day, one the last day, the rest inbetween, and to have hunted everyday of season if I chose to.
wkyhunter said:
No way!! Perfect season for me would be to kill one the first day, one the last day, the rest inbetween, and to have hunted everyday of season if I chose to.
I did this a few years back except for the part about hunting every day. With my son's baseball schedule now I have enough problems getting into the woods for 1 bird let alone the limit. I had one 40 acre tract a little more than a mile away and they auctioned all the land around it so I'm afraid my little honey hole is gonna be screwed up now.
I don't have to worry about that, lol, but if I could I would, I enjoy fishing too so I would be satisfied tagging out early
Tagging out has no appeal for me anymore. If I kill one I'm happy and if I tag out that's cool too. I've really enjoyed calling birds in for newbies the last few years... not that I'm good at calling, just simply lucky.
I could every year, but intentionally don't I love to hunt all 3 phases of the season. I love the pre breakup craziness with numerous gobblers together coming in.

I love the brutal henned up period the most, when birds gobble and won't budge, or won't gobble unless you get ultra close. And I like the kamikaze period when the hens start sitting.

I spread it out as far as me pulling the trigger. I take plenty of folks and allow them to punch their tags. They are happy, I get a thrill and I still have tags to burn. Nothing more satisfying then milking it out, and pounding one on the last day or last weekend in jungle thick woods. It lets the memory last all off season.
NO...... learned that last spring. I did enjoy hunting with others and calling in a bird for a buddy who had never killed one in the spring before. However having no tags and tons of season left was killing me. If for some reason I kill the first 3 quickly next spring, I will either save the 4th for later or just start hunting with a bow. I'd like to try and call a couple in for other people again, it's fun too. Plenty of video opportunity as well when you aren't messing around with a gun.
easy45 said:
I don't have to worry about that, lol, but if I could I would, I enjoy fishing too so I would be satisfied tagging out early
I thought tagging out in the first week was great at first, cause I could go fishing. But then I realized I didn't want to go fishing yet, I wanted to keep turkey hunting. They were gobbling everywhere and I was calling them in while picking mushrooms, it was driving me crazy. I wanted to bust one more

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