If you had your "drathers"


Well-Known Member
Jan 11, 2010
Reaction score
Maury County, TN
Would you rather kill an old-long spurred bird that sneaks in on you (as they often do). Or kill a two year old that screams at everything you throw at him the whole way in? Easy for me. I'm a gamer, I'm all about hearing em gobble. Just curious what the general census is.
Old sneaky for sure. I can go listen to gobbles more often than I can kill the old smart one!
Thats a hard choice, had it both ways, its a lot more fun hearing the bird blowing up as it comes in but its more fulfilling if take take an old seasoned bird, guess I'll take both
i will take em as i can get em as long as he is a longbeard its lights out, i save the jakes for the kids or newbies, those two yearolds sure are fun
knightrider said:
i will take em as i can get em as long as he is a longbeard its lights out, i save the jakes for the kids or newbies, those two yearolds sure are fun

Same for me brother!!
Grizzly Johnson said:
knightrider said:
i will take em as i can get em as long as he is a longbeard its lights out, i save the jakes for the kids or newbies, those two yearolds sure are fun

Same for me brother!!

agree 100% any longbeard is a trophy in my book. Also agree that the ol cowboy is more fulfilling to kill, just think the screamers are more exciting :)
At this point, not that I am a turkey hunting journeyman, I'd wait for the old guy.

Turkey hunting is more mental for me than deer hunting. I tend to pass on easier birds if I know theres a mack daddy out there.
Umm i will take the cowboy please them loud mouth birds dont do it for me no more! I love me a season wrecker.
I take any of them but there is this one longbeard that is silent and always out of range. I want him bad!
knightrider said:
i will take em as i can get em as long as he is a longbeard its lights out, i save the jakes for the kids or newbies, those two yearolds sure are fun

I've been turkey hunting once and haven't shot my first yet so I would qualify as a newbie, but I would rather pass up a jake even if it's my first bird. I want a longbeard for a first....let's just hope temptation and my trigger finger don't get their way if some jakes come in before a longbeard does.
Ain't nuthin like killin a three year old or better on heavily hunted public land
How about making the old boss gobble his head off :) ?

I like the challenge of a season wrecker, but I don't want to do it all season long. I'm in it for the gobble!
Both, but I love a real nasty bird which really makes me think and do everything just right in order to kill him. I will also shoot each and every loud mouth which storms to the call as well. It's all good.
i would rather have one gobble a hundred times than to get one thats quite but I still take the ones that sneak in.