I finally got one this year. I sat on the edge of a field and hit my pot call a few times every couple minutes. After about 15 minutes, two toms came across the fence about 250 yards from me. I wasn't in a good spot - the sun was right in my face and I didn't want to risk trying to call them directly to me. I was afraid the would bust me fairly easily.
I eased out the back and jumped in the woods. I jogged down and round below them. They were still making their way across the field.
I managed get set up about 100 yards from them, but they were pretty far to my right. I couldn't get any closer without going around the corner of a bend and surely getting busted. My only hope was that they came around the bend and came to me. I got set up and covered myself up the best I could. I hit the pot call a couple more times. I couldn't see them for a couple of minutes. Finally I was able to use the binoculars and get a glimpse of them. They were coming my way. I got my gun ready... and within a couple more minutes the first one turned around the bend. The 20g TSS did its job. I stepped it off at 19 yards.
I only started turkey hunting last year and REN has showed me the ropes. I killed one last year with his help. This was the first time I've been able to get set up on a tom by myself and had everything work out like I wanted. This season has been full of nothing but jakes. It felt good to finally see a halfway decent beard.
I eased out the back and jumped in the woods. I jogged down and round below them. They were still making their way across the field.
I managed get set up about 100 yards from them, but they were pretty far to my right. I couldn't get any closer without going around the corner of a bend and surely getting busted. My only hope was that they came around the bend and came to me. I got set up and covered myself up the best I could. I hit the pot call a couple more times. I couldn't see them for a couple of minutes. Finally I was able to use the binoculars and get a glimpse of them. They were coming my way. I got my gun ready... and within a couple more minutes the first one turned around the bend. The 20g TSS did its job. I stepped it off at 19 yards.
I only started turkey hunting last year and REN has showed me the ropes. I killed one last year with his help. This was the first time I've been able to get set up on a tom by myself and had everything work out like I wanted. This season has been full of nothing but jakes. It felt good to finally see a halfway decent beard.