Well-Known Member
got to my spot by 425am. But someonw had beat me there. Asked where he was hunting and he desctibed the exact spot I was gonna hunt. He saw birds there yesterday and even built a blind. So I left and went to a new spot I just scouted yesterday. I'm set up now at a field edge. A guy just walked by and I had to get his attention... He was surprised anyone else was back here. To....shoot! Just heard first gobble of the morning 545am 2 birds sounded off. Back on topic the guy said he killed a 27lb bird 11" beard here. Dang... Well he seems to know this spot well and he's set up probably not too far from me. Hope one of us gets a bird, especially me lol.
gotta put up the phone now and listen for those birds
gotta put up the phone now and listen for those birds