Beware that the Elite bows are VERY prone to grip torque. It's not just the comfort of the grip I'm speaking of. A lot of guys don't like the "banana" shaped grip they have....I'm talking about grip pressure itself. Elite bows have always been sensitive in this area...the E35 is probably the worse I have seen at it, and I've been an Elite guy for a while. I had the E35 and sold it due to being so inconsistent with it. I could be shooting it great for a round and then suddenly kick out a 5-6 inch flier arrow due to torque...this being at just 20 yards. It is magnified even more on the target when shooting from further distances. IMO...I believe its a bow that has everything we have looked for in a bow...its smooth drawing, it looks good, its dead in the hand, shock free, decently quiet. But you will either shoot one really well or not so well. I was in the 2nd category for that particular bow. That's something you can't tell by shooting in the archery shop.
I spoke to a guy at a local 3D shoot Saturday that had a black E35 like I just sold. He had no idea I had just sold one, and when I asked him about how he was liking it, he basically told me the same thing I have just shared with you. He liked everything about it but was having trouble being consistent in his accuracy.
I'm not saying you wont be one of them that can pick it up and go shoot great with it. But I am saying it is very easy to torque with how you get in the grip area...not forgiving there at all.