Interesting broadhead test

id search myself, but have a filter here at school. Has anyone seen any independent testing of the rage broadheads? I am skeptical of their penetration claims especially since a lot of videos I see they dont get pass throughs
steelhead...another I would like to see. If no one finds anything Ill do some looking this weekend. My guess on the rage is the $ is keeping people from doing tourture testing with them. But there is always someone with cash to burn and a youtube account :)
I was seriously considering taking up barrel hunting. I'll have to reference this video again if I decide to shoot some. Otherwise, I'll stick with heads that sre best known for causing MASSIVE hemoraging in tissue. I DO NOT intentionally shoot bones on deer. And on the rare occasion that I hit one, like the humerus, VERY few if ANY heads will pass through anyway.


Not necessarily TOUGH!

Has anyone shot a deer with the Muzzy Phantoms? I just replaced my Muzzy 100gr with the 100gr Muzzy Phantoms...they are much larger...
Could be BS. I don't know from personal test. Makes interesting conversation though. LOL!
102 said:
I was seriously considering taking up barrel hunting. I'll have to reference this video again if I decide to shoot some. Otherwise, I'll stick with heads that sre best known for causing MASSIVE hemoraging in tissue. I DO NOT intentionally shoot bones on deer. And on the rare occasion that I hit one, like the humerus, VERY few if ANY heads will pass through anyway.


Not necessarily TOUGH!

i know a 125 grn muzzy will pass thru a humerus u can scrap the arrow afterwards tho :D
pety221 said:
102 said:
I was seriously considering taking up barrel hunting. I'll have to reference this video again if I decide to shoot some. Otherwise, I'll stick with heads that sre best known for causing MASSIVE hemoraging in tissue. I DO NOT intentionally shoot bones on deer. And on the rare occasion that I hit one, like the humerus, VERY few if ANY heads will pass through anyway.


Not necessarily TOUGH!

i know a 125 grn muzzy will pass thru a humerus u can scrap the arrow afterwards tho :D

I know for a fact that 100gr muzzy will not pass thru a humerus, in fact I know it won't pass thru a rib bone!!!!! Now the Reaper on the other hand will and much more!!!!!!!!!
Barrel tests are a good way to test the strength of a broadhead . I want a strong , sharp broadhead that retains an edge when passing through rib bones .
Sharpness and good flight characteristics are what I'm concerned about though .
The Game said:
Slick Tricks look pretty good. Just resharpened 5 sets yesterday eve. Razor sharp once more.

Ditto , they hold a good edge ,and are easy to resharpen or replace the blades when needed .