Started out this morning and didn't hear anything except one faint gobble that I wasn't sure where it was. I decided to hoof it to a big field so I worked my way up there and sat down. Right after I got set up a bird gobbled so I went up in the woods behind me trying to get above him. He kept gobbling and I finally saw him skirting the edge of the woods in the field. I sat down and did one soft yelp sequence and he didn't like it and took off. He wasn't running but he was gone so I moved on. Heard another bird and tried getting to him but he shut up and never heard him again. While sitting there had a small buck walk 15 yards from me and he had nubs where his antlers had started growing back. On the way back toward the truck I was watching where I was stepping when I heard the flapping of wings. I looked up and it was a huge owl not more than 15-20 yards in front of me. I looked over and saw a dead tree and decided to see if that's where it came from. Sure nuff there was a baby owl, an egg, and today's lunch or dinner. I've spent a lot of time in the woods in my life and never saw anything like this before. Thought it was pretty cool.