internal frame turkey vest?


Well-Known Member
Jan 13, 2003
Reaction score
Warren Co
Bucklick creek used to make a turkey lounger vest with an aluminum frame that worked as a seat back/chair deal.

Now bass pro owns them and they don't have the internal frame anymore.

Anybody know who makes a turkey vest with the internal frame/backrest/seat and where I can get one?

Bucklick never made one with an aluminum frame, they made one with a camp chair with plastic supports to make it "free sitting". The ones bass pro sells now, are identical to the old bucklick vests, except the pockets are a little different. Bucklick is gone in name only, they mfg those vests for bass pro.

The vest you are looking for was made by Little Big Horn, and was sold under several different names. They are history, but you can occasionally find one on ebay.
good luck, i asked the same thing a while back and no one knew....I just pray mine NEVER falls apart!

if you do ever find one let me know i may buy another just incase mine decides to die