Isn't it odd?


Well-Known Member
Jun 9, 2008
Reaction score
Munford, TN
Yesterday it was 37* and they were blowing the trees down. This morning, 50* and we heard exactly 2 birds gobbling. Last weekend they were bunched up bad yet they were thundering everywhere. This weekend they are much more separated but didn't gobble as much. Who can figure out these crazy things?
Re: Isn't it odd?

Bout 930 yesterday morning they literally got abducted by aliens. Heard easily 200+ gobbles before then. Ask Hollar Hunter we were joking about how the turkeys burrowed underground or something. Not even the lone hens that you usually see.

I am at another friends property this morning and we heard nothing on the roost, even songbirds more quiet than usual. We did hear one gobble a long ways off about 30 mins ago and trying to figure out where in the hollers it was.

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Went Friday. Heard 1 gobble before fly down way off. About 9 I just plop down overlooking a big field. Ended up having 5 hens and 1jake come to about 40yds. They never made a sounds other than the Jake clucking. Heard 1 gobble around 10:30 and that was it.

They seem to be broken up now but still not talking.

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Re: Isn't it odd?

With turkeys there's no rhyme or reason as to what they do one day and fail to do the following day with all things being equal. It's hard not to be shocked at the difference or to base what one sees or hears today on what "should" happen tomorrow but I've come to realize that's just the way turkey hunting goes.
Re: Isn't it odd?

I heard more gobbling yesterday that ever before. We counted 11 diff birds at one point. Water had us cut off to most, but got on one. He gobbled one time on the ground then vanished. Last gobble we heard was at 850 and that turkey never shut up from 550 til 850... I had to rest this morning. Getting up at 2am was killing me...
Re: Isn't it odd?

Absolutely dead as a hammer this morning...not a single solitary gobble anywhere within earshot.
Re: Isn't it odd?

Southern Sportsman":1e4p3kki said:
If I had to pick, I would take 38* over 50* just about any morning.
No doubt, regardless of the animal I was after.
Re: Isn't it odd?

Yesterday was decent on the roost, finally called up 3 toms yesterday at 10:20 2 left. I heard 1 bird gobble probably 200 times this morning
Re: Isn't it odd?

I went to a different place this morning
I've now been 3 mornings and haven't heard a Roost Gobble anywhere in the same zip code I've been in

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Re: Isn't it odd?

I have only heard one gobble after fly down since season opened. I have had gobblers in shooting range twice but had no shot
Re: Isn't it odd?

I haven't heard a gobble all season, until this morning. Had 3 gobbling. 2 were together, and 1 was by himself. They went silent when they hit the ground. About 30 minutes after fly down (7:05) I had one gobble about 120 yds away, then had hens cutting and yelping. I mimicked them and they came in and into the filed I was on about 7:20. I figured he'd be right behind them. They fed and cleaned themselves for 5-7 minutes then just fed off back down to the end of my property and walked down my neighbors farm road that is the entrance to his land. Never heard or saw another bird. Its like they just disappeared.

My season has been slower than usual, so that was my best hunt so far, being I at least got to hear a few gobbles.
Re: Isn't it odd?

Adds to the craziness to hear so many different reports on the same morning! I used to document all the weather conditions, barometer, etc. and how they gobbled. After a while I threw it all away. I could find absolutely no rhyme or reason to when they gobble.
Re: Isn't it odd?

So far this season is indescribable with regards to bird behavior for me.last weekend, they burned it up Saturday, Sunday was virtually quiet except for the one I killed. All week they were basically dead quiet. I thought after last weekend they were still bunched up, but now I think they're fully henned up and thus the silent woods. This weekend was horrible for gobbling, and the birds that did, did so as a courtesy and wouldn't work.
Re: Isn't it odd?

Spurhunter":19oa3soy said:
After a while I threw it all away. I could find absolutely no rhyme or reason to when they gobble.


Me and my buddies are always comparing morning hunts. There have been several mornings when one is hearing/working birds, and others are nada.

I guess the unpredictability is one of the allures, even though it drives us crazy.
Re: Isn't it odd?

With a few exceptions, the lack of gobbling for an area seems to be universal. Thus, whatever the unique factors that nature communicates, they all seem to understand. And yet, humans at the top of the food chain and with all of our combined technology and research and brain power are left scratching our heads. Amazing. One of God's little secrets to keep us humble.
Re: Isn't it odd?

Friday on fire. Yesterday, ok till about 715. Today, 2 gobbles on roost and nothing. Darn birds. But days like today make the fair weather hunters quit. "Yeah I think it's over..." more for us next weekend
Re: Isn't it odd?

Spurhunter":u8mnf3am said:
Adds to the craziness to hear so many different reports on the same morning! I used to document all the weather conditions, barometer, etc. and how they gobbled. After a while I threw it all away. I could find absolutely no rhyme or reason to when they gobble.
I 100 percent agree