It will kick your arse


Well-Known Member
Oct 5, 2004
Reaction score
Bartlett, TN
Shot 3.5" shells my entire life without any issues until now. Apex 3.5" 9 shells will kick your butt in a 870. No way would I entertain the idea of shooting one through a 835. My shoulder is still hurting 3 days after shooting one shell
My buddy said the same thing.....told him it must've been the color of lipstick he was wearing. Had to have either changed the shells or colors of lipstick cause he hasn't complained since. :poke:
Jon54":23f0otxg said:
Have you shot a 10 ga.? I'm not sure who it hurts more, the shooter or the one being shot.

Used to shoot one duck hunt, it doesn't kick as hard as these shells will make your gun kick
When I was a kid one of the deacons at church shot a double barrel 10ga...the old-timey style with hammers. He was so excited at the gobbling strutting bird and I s'pose just wasn't paying attention but managed to chocolate chip cookie both hammers. Pulled the trigger and broke his clavicle + dislocated his shoulder.

Killed the turkey though.
There's just no need in shooting 3.5" in TSS. That's just slinging high dollar shot that won't give you any added benefit.
What is so bad about an Apex schell? I haven't heard of them. I have been shooting Long Beard XRs. They are rough out of a pump, not so bad out of a gas operated semi.
With an xr load and many other turkey loads , a turkey is dead at 60 yds easy. why do hunters feel the need to put 300 holes in paper? And spend 15 bucks a shell to do it???
turkeyhunter":kqhcrytl said:
With an xr load and many other turkey loads , a turkey is dead at 60 yds easy. why do hunters feel the need to put 300 holes in paper? And spend 15 bucks a shell to do it???

They are not quite $15 a shell. I shoot TSS because I like to load my own. And because they pattern better that anything else at long ranges, but are more forgiving (much better 20" pattern) at all ranges than lead or other HTL shells. And they are non-toxic, so allowed on federal refuge hunts. No more than I shoot at turkeys, it's a no brainer to me.