Mike Belt
Well-Known Member
Some of the pics you guys have been posting have been some pretty bucks but guessing what they might score can fool you. First of all, a wide rack really looks nice but the difference between inside and outside the ears may only be 3" and that is only added to the score once. Tine length will add to the score a lot quicker and the more tines the higher you go. While in velvet, tine length isn't neccessarily overly exaggerated. Mass may very well be and mass will boost scores in a hurry. Velvet may make mass appear up to 2" larger than what it will actually measure. Once it's shed and figuring on a typical 8 pointer you'll have 8 mass measurements, the guesstimate could be off as much as 8"-16". Once he sheds the velvet you can get down to the brass tacks of mass measurement. Just as an example the difference between the score of a buck with a 4 1/8" base and a 5" base is only 7/8". Doesn't sound like much but if he was an 8 pointer and carried that same representative mass all the way up it would amount to about 7" added to the score.
For those not interested in scores that's OK too. He'd just be bigger,
For those not interested in scores that's OK too. He'd just be bigger,