It's official: leafy gear works!

String Music

Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2007
Reaction score
I had something happen to me that I've never had happen before. I struck a couple gobblers done in a holler and decided to try and peak over the ridge to try and hear or see them.

I took my vest off and crawled with a jake decoy and my shotgun. As I was crawling, I heard a twig snap and I looked to my right. Two gobblers and a jake had snuck up on me and spotted me. However, they worked exactly what they saw and started to get nervous.

So now I'm caught in the wide open woods on my hands and knees. I raised up the jake decoy I had and stuck in into the ground (I was on private land). Once in the ground, I moved the decoy back and forth to mimic the jake looking around.

Sure enough, the jake and one of the gobblers came straight for me. The gobbler stopped literally 4 feet away from me and blew up in full strut. I'm still on my hands and knees in the wide open about a foot from the decoy. I was literally staring at the gobblers spurs thinking I was about to take one in the face!

The gobbler slowly moved away strutting and gobbling the whole way. I decided not to shoot him because he was a 2-year-old (don't hate).

Now, I certainly don't recommend carrying around a decoy if you are hunting public land or property that you has other hunters. With that being said, it was pretty dang cool being that close to a strutting gobbler!
Good on you for passing up a 2 y/o! Karma is gonna pay you back and you're gonna get one with 1 3/4" spurs :)

I'm still looking for the 4 y/o double bearded bird on one of my farms... I haven't seen him since early December, though

Oh, and if you think 'leafy suit' works, try a real ghillie... it's almost cheating :)