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Jack Miner Bands


Well-Known Member
Jan 7, 2009
Decatur County, TN RIVER
Has anyone got one? I've got 7 orginal Jack Miner Goosebands from the 30's and 40's that a guy who new I duckhunted wanted me to try to sale for him. I told him I didn't know if I could sale them or not. I bought one just to have it for myself. I'll post a picture this evening of them if anyone is interested. He wants $140 each. Of course it doesn't mean as much to me as my band does (not a Jack Miner-just my first banded duck) but it's just like having a piece of history. This guy doesn't duck hunt obviously they don't mean nothing to him think it was an inheritance thing....



Guy I've just started dating has been hunting for 30 years and has at least 40 duck & goose bands. He got his 1st Jack Miner on Dec 08th last year off a wood duck. He said now all he likes is a reward band and he will be satisfied. When he sent in for his duckband Jack Miner's grandson actually called him and talked him about the area he hunted. He said he was really nice and recieved alot of stuff with his certificate. We worked at duck hole yesterday evening can't wait till season...will be here before we know it heck this year already half way gone...
I have seen the "unclaimed" bands go for some change..... If they have been turned in already well it's not quite the same. Some people might pay that much for a band, even a Jack Miner, but not me. Doesn't mean anything to me unless I am the one that got it fair & square.

I have 2 wood duck bands & 13 goose bands. Still waiting for that elusive Miner band. Been waterfowl hunting 15 years.....
This past season was my 5th season to hunt. I got my first banded duck 3 years ago. The blind I hunt in has killed 4 since then. I too hope one day to have a Jack Miner that I have killed. Haven't been on any hunts where a reward band was taken. But guys I hunt with some of them have them. None of them have Jack Miner's and they have been hunting since youth. There all in there 30's. I have mainly hunted Reelfoot Lake. This year IF I am still dating same guy I will get to hunt new blind which I am helping with here in Decatur Co. on Beech River. Want have to drive so far it's only 10 minutes from my house. It will be a good new experience, no boat ride, just walk on levee to blind. Been wet getting corn planted today. Latested date he could plant was 1st week of July. So we are just barely making it...Seen a bunch of wood ducks yesterday and a monster buck....so ready for this heat to vanish and cold air to move in cause then I know it's huntin time.......
Guy I hunt with pretty regular got 2 bands year before last. A Jack Miner duck band off a greenhead & a North West Territories (right below the Arctic Circle) band off a greenhead.... Luckiest fellow I ever seen about getting bands.....
Chaneylake got a duck band a few years ago ............ I will let him tell that story ........ hook line and sinker ...... :D :D " can you hear me can you hear me now ....."

my step son and I both killed a goose a couple of years ago..... He killed is first goose ever .... and mine had the band ..... I wished he would have gotten them both ............ seeing him killing his first was better than me getting the band :)
Guess you have to be at the right place at the right time....Where does he hunt now?....lol....I have talked to several people who has hunted for years and never got one. They told me I was lucky to get one my second year hunting. I've got a good story to go with mine. We wasn't killing ducks at all that day I was sitting on top of blind enjoying the warm sun when I saw this greenhead coming straight at me not flaring at all. I thought I was seeing things because he was sailing in hard. I remember going surely this isn't a duck cause I was just in shock still sitting there then all of a sudden it hit me oh Sh@* he's coming in, he was locked up fixing to sit on top of the blind I jumped down grabbed gun and it was over before the other guys new what was going on. One other guy shot he didn't even know what he was shooting at he was already folded. Guide made us draw aggravating me other guy won it I was ticked but he gave it to me they was just being mean. They say he had to be wounded why he was coming in so hard I didn't care he's dead now and mounted on my wall.....I prouldly wear my duck band on my silver necklace almost everyday of the year....It doesn't hardly ever come off my neck.....
He hunts Woods Reservoir and Tims Ford Lake alnog with other farm ponds he has permission to hunt. I hunt those places too and a place in Carroll Co. and in Benton Co. along the river.

P.S. That's a good story and exactly how it happens sometimes.... when you least expect it. Good luck this year...
I killed a greenhead in 1998 that had a Jack Minor band, the bible verson was on the inside of the band and said "have faith in God"

I have numerous bands, grey duck, woodies, mallards, black mallard, geese, dove, turkey, pidgeon[killed on court square Brownsville] and a hawk band that was given to me
Grizzly Johnson said:
A TURKEY!!! Whats the details on that bad boy?

according to local reports, the TWRA turned loose about 10 trapped turkeys in Haywood County about 1980, 3 jakes and 7 hens, the release was on the Bourne Farm, which joins Chaney Lake Hunting Club, we had our first turkey season in 1985, I killed a fine gobbler that season that was part of the original flock, a "banded bird", the kill was about 3-4 miles from the release site, a couple of years later, a Jackson Tn attorney, Tom Rainey and I were hunting a spot called the Moore Track[owned by my cousins], any way Tom killed a bird this particular afternoon that was also banded, this spot was about 7-8 miles from the release spot, imagine that killing 2 of the original 3 banded birds that were released in 1980

I might be off a year or so on the dates and a mile or so on the distances, going back on my memory on this, we have the bands tho.

I killed the first turkey, the first year that Haywood County had a season
the "hawk" band that was given to me has a sorta neat story behind it also, I will post that one someday.

I also saw an "eagle band" for sale on ebay a few years back, the dude wanted $1000.00 for it, I now sorta wish that I had bought that puppy. the dude found the eagle dead on the side of the road, he contacted the USFWS and they did an autopsy on the eagle, the bird had either died of natural causes or was hit by a vehicle, I do not remember, anyway, after the USFWS finished with the bird, they sent the "eagle band" back to the guy that had found the bird, they also sent him a certificate stating it was an eagle band and that he had their permission to own the band, pretty neat story behind that band
I have one Jack Miner band. Came off a green head in 02'. Its going to drive me nuts that I can't remember the verse on it but its on my lanyard at my place in AR. Those are some good looking bands though.

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