Jakes going to Gobbler?


Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2010
Reaction score
Middle TN
I ended up setting up very near a roost this morning, 25yds away. A Gobbler about 600yds away across the valley started at 0545, and a couple of the roosted birds would makes clucks and other noises. Thought there were 3, could only see 1, but couldn't ID what it exactly was.
At 0630, 9 birds flew down into the field!! The other 6 had been silent the whole time. I counted at least 6 Jakes.
They then proceeded to eat and walk directly towards the last place the Tom had called from. A couple of Jakes would look up when I gave a hen yelp, but then moved on.
Why would this large group all travel together towards a lone Tom?
Have seen that many times. When you can get in the mind of a turkey, you can answer your question. ;) Makes you wonder, though, dont it?
Good luck next time. Thats turkey hunting!
A lot of the time big dominant birds have a group of minions that hang with him. I have never understood why he allows it, but they certainly do.

I was on a group of 3 longbeards this morning, who had 8 hens, and 4 jakes in their posse.
I've also seen roving bands of jakes whip up on a gobbler. Alone, none of them has a chance but when they gang up they'll run a tom off his hens on occasion.
Swamphunter said:
After the breeding season the gobblers start getting back into bachelor groups. Anybody seeing this yet? Could this explain the original poster's observations?

Shouldn't be happening yet, and usually jakes hang with jakes during the non breeding period, and longbeards live with longbeards.

However, none of the traditional rules seem to matter anymore. I am seeing more and more mixed flocks all year. Last winter every flock of birds I saw had hens, gobblers, and jakes in them. I am starting to think the only time there are true gobbler groups is when the hens are raising poults.
Setterman said:
Swamphunter said:
After the breeding season the gobblers start getting back into bachelor groups. Anybody seeing this yet? Could this explain the original poster's observations?

Shouldn't be happening yet, and usually jakes hang with jakes during the non breeding period, and longbeards live with longbeards.

However, none of the traditional rules seem to matter anymore. I am seeing more and more mixed flocks all year. Last winter every flock of birds I saw had hens, gobblers, and jakes in them. I am starting to think the only time there are true gobbler groups is when the hens are raising poults.
what he said
Boll Weevil said:
I've also seen roving bands of jakes whip up on a gobbler. Alone, none of them has a chance but when they gang up they'll run a tom off his hens on occasion.
What he said. I took my brother one time and had a gobbler coming in and noticed several jakes across the creek in another field. I told my brother if they came over they'd run him off. Sure enough they flew over the creek and made their way to him and began chasing him in a circle. It was rather comical in a sense but I was ticked because he retreated to the woods. The jakes fed off but then came back and because I was ticked at them one ended up with a headache. :D

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