Just curious


Well-Known Member
2-Step Enabled
Nov 19, 1999
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For those that use corn as a speed bump for deer in front of their cameras:

How long will 50 pounds last in your spot?
A couple weeks depending on activity. I don't like to put that much out for risk of it spoiling if it rains. I usually scatter 15 pounds at a time, once per week or so.
I use it sparingly as increased use creates more crows, more coons and turkeys which constantly sit on it which in turn increases coyote traffic. Having said that it rarely lasted longer than 7 to 10 days max. They will wear it out!
Use a trophy rock with your corn. The deer will find the rock quicker and when the corn is gone the deer will come back but the coons won't. AND you'll save a bunch of money on corn.
I normally put 3 bags in my feeder at a time (and have a trophy rock there). I have the timer set to 3 times a day for 10 seconds each. This will last me between 2 to 3 weeks. Before the feeder I had one doe on a daily basis. Now I have 6 or 7 does, 2 spikes, a 4 point, half a dozen turkeys and 3 raccoons mainly early morning and late evening. My last camera pull had a 8 point come in and he found the trophy rock (3:00 AM). No pics of him at the feeder. I hope he keeps coming back!