Just Gotta Vent


Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2011
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So, went to a small food plot (1/3 acre) I set up for deer last Fall that now has clover and wheat standing tall. Set up the dekes and waited for the gobble of one I heard in the area yesterday. Shortly he started sounding off, but a quite a ways away, down the ridge and in a deep hollow. We sat there for a while waiting to see how much he was going to talk, and after hearing him regularly, decided to close the distance. We moved about 400 yards downhill along an old logging road and set up on a bench on the edge of the hollow. He answered us a time or two, then proceeded to head in the opposite direction towards some fields on the neighboring property. After about 40 minutes of silence we heard a shot from the area, and figured his number was up. My buddy and I decided to head back to the plot where the dekes were and head out. Nothing was sounding off and we had a plateful of commitments today. Getting back to the dekes, we were surprised to find turkey feathers everywhere. Three big batches starting right next to hen decoy and heading out of the plot. No blood, just handfuls of back feathers and one fan feather that was rather small. I'm surmising a jake came in to the set up and got ambushed by a bobcat or coyote. I've not numerous game camera shots of coyotes in that plot, and last year actually watched one stalk right up to my decoy set. Of course, all this happened in the hour we left the plot to try to get that other bird. Bummer. One more day and I can finally relax.
It just reminds us of how many things go on in the woods under our noses. Unless you heard a shot, I'm guessing some turkey was distracted by the decoy and a coyote got it, at least a few feathers. I watched two yotes flush a hen the other morning. They roam a lot this time of year looking for nests.
It's a wonder we have any birds to hunt.

From the nest to adult, it seems that nature is against them.
Agreed - I'm always surprised at the number of eggs I find eaten, or feathers from a turkey that was clearly attacked... Personally think this has the biggest impact on turkey numbers myself...
The biggest impact is actually the number of hens that don't even initiate a nest. Those girls need to get off their butts and get to work...

But for some reason, they don't invest the resources and risk their lives for an infertile clutch.

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