Well I'm a poacher if you go by the rules.
I've told this story before, but it's worth another write up for humor value.
The hunt was pretty normal, afternoon I struck a pair of birds, they marched 200 yards into easy range. I pick the closer of the two and let the beat eat at 30 yards. Bird rolls, I get up and head that way. Get to the bird and much to my surprise he gets up, I've had this happen before usually no big deal. I calmly shoulder my gun, shoot and miss, in fact I miss 3 times, granted range was a huge problem seeing how I'm 10 feet from the bird which is running in a tight circle. At this point panic mode sets in, I'm outta shells and my fine bird is semi alive. I decide the best approach is to go for the tackle move, I hit the bird pretty square but he's got enough left to squirm free. Now he's running away versus a tight circle, keep in mind he's severely wounded with massive head trauma, but no broken neck.
It's now or never and I've got one chance left, I'm exhausted a pouring sweat. As he's running away I take an angle to cut him off and attempt the tackle maneuver again, this time I put everything I've got into it a leave my feet diving like Troy Polomalu at the injured bird. Perfect form and a perfect impact leads to me clutching the bird like a little girl holding her teddy.
Now it's a death struggle, bird is going crazy and I'm holding on with all I've got. I'm getting spurred all over mainly chest and stomach. At some point the bird gets its wings free and is flapping which is beating me to pieces. Finally I lose my grasp, which I didn't have a plan during the grasp to kill it, and I end up laying on my side in the leaves clutching to one leg while the bird flaps and kicks trying to get away. I frantically reach for a limb to beat it to death with and find one, I proceed to finish it off and literally laid in the leave for 15 minutes recovering before I even sat up.
When it was over I laughed about it all to myself and just wished someone else had seen that spectacle to get a good laugh as well. I did end up with several tears in my shirt and pants as well as numerous cuts a bruises.
So if the original question is considered poaching then I'm certainly a poacher