I have been following the development of this broadhead over on Archery Talk for a while now and it looks like it will be available around the ATA show in 2012. Randy Ulmer's brother Rusty has designed this head. It is a rear deploying 2 blade head like the Rage but has a trocar tip and is very low profile. Also, the broadheads come with set screws where you can lock the blades and practice with the head you will be hunting with. Another nice feature is there are sharp edges on both sides of the blade, so if the arrow backs out the blade will be cutting on the back side. It looks very solid and I like that you can practice with the same head you hunt with. Also it virtually the same profile as a practice tip so it should fly great.
http://www.archerytalk.com/vb/showthrea ... 407&page=3
http://www.archerytalk.com/vb/showthrea ... 407&page=3