Top 3 whitetails I have laid eyes on........never fired a shot.........
#1 was on my ranch in Montana..........fall of 2014. Massive deer, probably 20 points total with 3 drop tines. Had trail cam pictures all summer in velvet. Montana law doesn't allow for trail cameras after bow season starts. That buck and his other drop tine pal were never shot or seen again. Probable death due to blue tongue.
#2 was in a very remote part of Montana. Pure antelope country. My buddy and I had filled our buck tags and were out trying to get a whitetail doe and spotted a true Booner running a doe a mile away. Driving out we saw them at 60 yards broadside, on property we did not have permission to hunt on. Imagine having access on a ranch about 248,000 acres in size and see the biggest buck in your life, up to that time, 60 yards across the fence. He had one big beautiful, thick drop tine. That deer was old, heavy and just a beast. We heard later that a guy from Wisconsin had killed a big buck on that ranch and didn't show the rancher, just up and motored home as fast as he could. The rancher never saw a picture of the buck either......go figure.
#3 Would be a buck I spotted running a doe on a private ranch south of Melstone Montana on the Mussellshell River bottom. Big, big typical. Thick, wide, took my breath away. Again, up to that time it was the biggest rack I had ever seen.