Interestingly enough my 12th grade English Lit class Final Exam required I recite a poem and I turned to my Mom for help. My Mom was raised in the classical format-she could play piano, recite and act Shakespeare, make the best Tea in North America. But she could not cook an egg. Anyway, my Mom started spouting all these famous Poems. "Forward the Light Brigade Charge for the Guns he said" and then "You can talk of Gin and Beer when you're quartered safe out here" or "while I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping, as of some one gently rapping, rapping at my Chamber door". When my Mom was recalling these poems she always acted them out. She could do Din better than Jaffe.
When I popped open this picture I heard my Mom clear as a bell from Heaven on High. "Quoth the Raven Nevermore". Already printed this one, may go get it printed on canvas.