Kyle Busch wins race ,smashes guitar

Not a JR. fan here , I just thought I would post this thread to illustrate how much of a jerk Kyle Busch really is . This thread wasn't supposed to start a pissin' match between the Kyle Busch fans and Jr. nation , LOL!
I think some of you guys take your NASCAR way to serious. :D
NCST8GUY said:
First of all, can we pretend Sam Bass doesn't walk on water? He's a freaking artist! He D R A W S pictures. That guitar ain't any more nostalgic than the covers of Nascar programs I got piled up over the years from LMS.

Kyle adds excitement, drama, and maybe or maybe not FORCED controversy to the sport. What exactly has JR added? A long line at the AMP (Another Missed Pit) trailer. Yay. Wee. Whooptie freaking doo. The only news clippings JR adds are "who's gonna be fired next" While Kyle wins in all sorts of cars, trucks you name it, then ticks off JR nation with his celebration.

I ask ANY JR fan this,
if that win and celebration had gone down EXACTLY the same way, but JR had done it, do you really think the same criticism would be taking place? Shoot, jr fans were all upity cause he spun a guy on pit road AFTER the checkered flag cause he "showed some fire" LOL

Seriously, pretend everything Kyle has done, has been done by JR, and JR fans would be praising the exact things they cry about.

Kyle wins, does something crazy to celebrate, people scoff.
Kyle doesn't win, walks off without an interview, people scoff.

Let's say by some MIRACLE JR wins and smashes something, the fans would go nuts saying "he's back!"

Lets say JR finishes 2nd, and ignores reporters out of anger, his fans would be saying "He's mad he didn't win, cause it's win or nothing" and act proud.

SOOOOOOOOOOO hypocritical.

But of course, JR has to win in almost any car to prove my theory, so as for now, I'm pretty much with Einstein.

thats the freakin trophy he demolished not some $5 track souvenier. some body needs to tell him this aint wrastlin.

that long line at the amp trailer is just what nascar needs. without "JR NATION " the tickets sales would be in trouble.

first off jr hasnt and wouldnt act like kyle. he has enough home training and if he would have done what kyle does his daddy would have put a knot on his noggin. only thing jr has done has
let the S bomb slip at talladega.

it doesnt take an einstein to know jr has won in everything he has driven.
so this is the new busch series?wish he would have played some skynard on the guitar before he smashed guess what song.
bsl said:
some of you guyscrack me up.It is just racing and just a trophy.he won it he can do with it what he wants.The artist got paid plenty to make it.More than most hard working people make in ayear so I can't feel to bad for him.

That Pee Wee Herman look alike is a punk . :D

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