Late season advise?


Well-Known Member
Nov 11, 2010
Reaction score
TN,Wilson Co.
I have got turkeys gobbling everywhere around me in the mornings. Problem is due to property lines i can not get above them. They were hammering off for 2 hours this morning and would not come down the hill to me. This has happened the last 4 time i have gone and its very upsetting (lol). Then in the mid day hunting all i am calling in is hens. All of the last 4 days i have gone. Any advise would be great. Also if anyone wanted to go Wed. morning maybe we could knock a couple down and i could learn something. By the way this is my first year turkey hunting and i did very well with the first two weeks just can't seem to catch on to this late season stuff.
I wish I was closer and I'd tag along. I've got birds to come down hill to me the past 2 times I've been. But they've just been hens. Cant seem to get on a tom.. this is my first year in about 4 years trying to turkey hunt. First time solo. And it seems to be jusf a lot of trial and error
1) If you can't get above them, can you at least get on his same level? Even though it may actually be further from the bird distance-wise, he may have a hangup about coming down there / that route for some reason. If you've tried 4 times from there, there just may be something he doesn't like.

2) Silent treatment. If he gobbles at you, he knows where you are. As hard as it may be, don't make another peep with your call. Just scratch in the leaves.

3) Become one of those wandering hens; it's green enough now and you can use the terrain to your advantage. Call softly, use your hat to mimic a hen flying down, scratch in the leaves (more than you use a call), and move around him. Think "horseshoe" and stay just outside his wheelhouse (or just under the hill). As long as he gobbles, you can keep tabs on him. If he ever totally shuts down either he saw you, or he's ON HIS WAY. I've had birds break and RUN to the gun once they make up their mind you're the real deal and/or you're leaving. No warning...they're just there.
I tried the hat and leaves trick today with no luck. I can't move to much around them and I can kinda get on the same level but their is a low spot between us. It is a set of small low cut green feilds so the leaf thing was a long shot i think anyway. But im trying anything i can think of (lol). I tryed to call very sparingly and after i let them know were i was i only called when it sounded like they were moving away. And they would move back toward me and sound off agian and agian and agian.
I'd love to tag along Wednesday but going on a field trip with my son to The Hermitage. He and I went yesterday and had a long beard gobble for two solid hours. Apparently he didn't get the "if they gobble in the afternoon you can kill them easier" memo. Only saw one hen but he stayed in a pipeline hammering down but would not come in. I tried everything and moved several times withat no luck. He kicked my butt. Gonna try to go for a little bit in the morning before work and see what happens.

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