LBL hunters?


Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2006
Reaction score
East Tenn
Id like to hunt lbl but know nothing about it. Does anybody have any tips? Any help is appreciated.
I have had luck finding the fields and then getting back off them not on the edges. Look for trails leading to the fields or crossing creeks and maybe some saddles in the terrain.
Saddles, funnels, and this week I have had luck SEEING bucks while overwatching heavy used trails on ridge bottom edges. The hard part is finding the trails and then the dang wind! I thought I had a nice 8 point yesterday and just when I thought "2 more steps and your mine"... he winded me and bolted. Gotta love bow hunting. Man, I was pee'ed off. lol
Thanks fellers I know its a huge mass of land, is there any areas I should stay away from as far as pressure or other issues? Id be coming from East Tenn would like to rv camp, any campground suggestions close by?
hawgbear said:
Thanks fellers I know its a huge mass of land, is there any areas I should stay away from as far as pressure or other issues? Id be coming from East Tenn would like to rv camp, any campground suggestions close by?
Piney for an RV if you want water and eletric hookups. I use Boswell landing camp grounds but it has no water or electric . It does have nice lots with fire pits. Oh and both are on LBL.

When do you plan on coming up? After the 28-29 quota gun hunt it will be dead up there. Hardly no one hunts after that except the diehards like me. :)
You can also camp just about anywhere you can drive if you don't need any hook-ups. There are numerous field roads and logging roads that will get you back in there.
Good luck, I have put alot of time in up there this year but never did get one. They are there, it has just not been my year. I had two "good" buck within 30 yrds and just couldn't get a clear shot before they busted me. I will be back up there in DEC to fill my tags.
Good luck yall.
medwc said:
hawgbear said:
Thanks fellers I know its a huge mass of land, is there any areas I should stay away from as far as pressure or other issues? Id be coming from East Tenn would like to rv camp, any campground suggestions close by?
Piney for an RV if you want water and eletric hookups. I use Boswell landing camp grounds but it has no water or electric . It does have nice lots with fire pits. Oh and both are on LBL.

When do you plan on coming up? After the 28-29 quota gun hunt it will be dead up there. Hardly no one hunts after that except the diehards like me. :)

Im trying to get it together for mid Dec but dont know if my buddy can go or not.
Just got back from LBL. Had a big 8pt about 5yds behind my tree. It stayed motionless for about 5 minutes. It finally came around so I drew back but it crossed my trail that I came in on and got spooked. The next day had another big buck chasing a doe hard over two ridges. When it got scent of my doe pee it stopped dead in its tracks about 70yds away. The doe stopped too because she was exhausted. He wanted to come check the scent out but didn't want the doe to get out of his sight. He got about 50yds from me and then went back to chasing.
Braggin Rights said:
No, not many at all as compared to the week before the first quota hunt. I even checked to make sure it wasn't closed.
lol, that is how I felt too. There was hardly anyone up there the week after the quota. I am going up there today, one last time before the 2nd quote this weekend. Then I will hit it hard again the 1st part of Dec and see how it goes.
Well this morning was looking good till the wind shifted on me about 7:00am. Was busted 2 twice by the wind and then finally I had a doe come in up-wind. She crossed right in front of me at about 25 yrds. I could have taken 3 different shots but was hoping a buck or two was following. She keep looking back the way she came but I could not see anything coming. She finally got on my down-wind side and wind me. She took off and a buck came chasing after her. He wasn't following behind her but he was staying 30 or 40 yrds out higher than she was. That all happened about 9:00 amd. Stayed 2 more hour and seen nothing. Might go back tomorrow, the winds should be better if the weather channel is right. Better than seeing nothing.
Going up tonight. Walking back on area 15 and sit all day. Ive had opportunities this season several good bucks well within bow range a 120" 10 pt several 100-110 inch 8 and 9 pts. The only deer I regret letting walk this season has been a mature 6pt.
Not sure what he would have scored but Id like to get another crack at him. Got my fingers crossed I'm hunting the tree I saw him out of.