LBL Turkey this wkend


Well-Known Member
Aug 16, 2006
Reaction score
My brother has the hunt this weekend, has anyone been hearing any gobbling? My brother is a newbie and needs a direction of where to start. Thanks
CAMARO12 said:
They checked a record number of 34 yesterday on the 1st day of the first Quota Hunt. They must really be thick!!
I spoke with a friend that hunted up there yesterday and he said they were real thick, the hunters that is. He said there was a truck parked and/or camped at dang near every walk in road throughout the entire place, many blocking access to the areas that lie beyond the camps. FWIW, he said he heard a few gobbling on the limb yesterday morning but they were way off and over too many hills for him to go after.
Ditto with what Andy's friend told him !! I did hear alot of gobbling over the weekend but hadnt heard a bird since Sunday evening......heard lots of shots Saturday and only 3 from daylight till noon today and they were from the same guy, he must have missed the first cause he followed up with a quick second/third shot ! Spoke with couple guys camped close to me at Piney and they killed Saturday morning and evening. Stated birds never gobbled once and came in silent. Get there early if you have a certain spot you like unless its off the beaten path !!

Tell him good luck!
I went out with my boy for the youth hunt on Sat afternoon and on Sunday all day. We heard about 7 birds from our Sunday location and on Sat got on bird to give away his location at 5 pm. Didn't kill any my boy can't sit still to save his life but we set in a blind on Sunday and had 3 longbeards walk within 50 yards. My suggestion, no tom decoys! lol Didn't work for us.