If you plan on hunting LBL, be sure and read all the rules and regs. It is a Federally run area (USDA) and they will write you a citation for any violation including speeding.
Now for turkey information. I have hunted there beginning in the late 1970's. Went there on the first year (1978?) that they opened the turkey season on the TN side. There was a total of 7 turkeys killed on the first hunt. I think it was only about a five day or seven day hunt. Back then, you had to have a hunting permit but it was free and you had to check in and out. I have hunted there every year since it was opened.
There are plenty of birds there but as Steve said, they are heavily pressured. If you decide to go, the middle of the week is the best time and the second week is less crowded than the first. I have hunted all areas and killed birds in each one. I really don't have a favorite area since all about equal. There are plenty of "googans" which I call Elmers. I have probably called in more of them than birds and I am by no means a great caller. They will try to sneak up on you so you must be alert.
Good luck.