lesson learned


Well-Known Member
Nov 29, 2012
Reaction score
Clarksville, TN
I went out yesterday about 530pm.....I hunted till 1230 from my ground blind and all I saw was a hen. When I got the area three hens flushed....not sure if they were nesting or dusting. I slowly walked to my ground blind and as my head saw over the rise in the hill I saw a tom....so I quickly backed away. I did a big U, but he was gone from the field when I got to the blind. I waited a while and called....then waited another 15 minutes or so and got cut off when I called.....directly behind the blind...so I peeked out the back side to see a tom looking my way.....50 yards I guessed, which my 12 gauge can handle with the LB in it, but there was some branches in the way....then I heard some hens....they were 15 yards from the blind, so I was patient......I knew where they were going to cross....figured if the tom followed them, I would get a close shot....well he didn't directly follow him....again I could have shot when he started moving, just thought he would come "check out" the new hen. The hens came thru and fed at 50 yds....then walked to the woods. I kept waiting, looking for the tom....when all of a sudden he is racing across the field....till he gets to the other side, then he slows down. Not sure why he quick stepped it, but didn't want to shoot at him on the run. I figured I would get after him today. I didn't hear where he roosted, he didn't gobble when he went up to roost....had he I would have been aggressive and gone in close....especially since he had two hens.

This morning, I went to where I saw him last night and hooted, but nothing.....so I decided the sun was coming up, so I went to the blind....pushed the cows to the other side of the field. Crows fired up and finally a shock gobble....kicking myself...because he roosted where I thought he would roost. So I got out of the blind and put a decoy out in the field and set up in a piece of woods that juts out.....that way if he came out either side I would be prepared. I called and he cut me off....but that was it, after a while I realized he wasn't coming.....I think he is a sub dominant...he doesn't gobble much. I went to the blind and blind called for a bit....about 7am I look up and about 300yds out there he is, strutting in the sun, I call, he ignores me? He moved about 100yds my way, but then disappeared, I am assuming that hens led him away, but when I went to where I last saw him and turned around and looked at my blind......it looked like the blind was a box...not blending in....3 weeks ago it blended in great....but now....it sticks out like a sore thumb. So I will pull it this evening when I go out. Decoys are going in storage.....to many birds have hung up out of range....wanting the hens to come to them.