Let's talk about weather and patterns


Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2007
Reaction score
Anderson County, Tn
How much does the air temp effect your patterns? When do you guys pattern your guns. Me and Grizzly have talked some about this.
Ok so you pattern your gun when the temp is 60 out. Say that ol boss flys from the roost and landsin that frosty field. Air temp is let's say 40. How do you compensat or do you?
I have never tested my setup at one temp and then tested it again with everything the exact same except the difference in temperature. What I have done in the past when patterning a particular setup is pattern my gun when the temp is comparable to the temps I typically kill birds in, which would be the 40-70 degree range. As far as how do I compensate for variation in temperature, I don't. Regardless of temperature, I put the bead at the junction of feathers and wattles and pull the trigger. I have zero complaints with this approach thus far. My .02
A bunch of people say the warmer, the tighter the pattern. I've tested a bunch of turkey guns in a lot of different temps and it's not always true. I like to pattern around 60 degrees, you may lose a few pellets at 40 degrees but it's not going to be enough to make a huge difference. Turkey hunting is not a long range affair. Too many guys get caught up in the numbers in a 10" at 40 game, which is what I use to determine in my patterns are good also. Truth is all you need is around 100 at that distance and you are good. With the htl shot this is no problem at all, and with the right lead shot and choke combo should be no problem either. I got two 3" guns that put up in the 130-140 range with lead #6 and close to 200 with hevi #7. Just respect the bird and keep your shots inside 40yds. or whatever range you know without a doubt you have a killing pattern and your good, no need to compensate.