License Question

Mississippi Boy

Well-Known Member
Jan 5, 2011
Reaction score
The Mountains
I'm new to hunting Tennessee and so today I went to Wal-Mart and purchased a hunting license. Well, I got home and got to reading on what I could hunt and I had a hunt/fish combo valid only for small game and a wma permit. So, I got on the TWRA website and added big game gun and big game archery to my licenses. When reading the regulations for hunting WMA it states that animals must be tagged. Where do I get these tags and do I need to report kills to anyone? Nothing came with my license other than a piece of paper.

Excuse me if I seem ignorant on the subject but being from a state that has no tagging system whatsoever this is all new to me. In Mississippi you just shoot it, throw it in the truck, and go to the house.
When you buy the big game license, it should come with a temp. kill tag attached which you fill out and attach to the animal in the field and keep it attached till you get to the check station where they will issue a permanent kill tag.

If you are going on a WMA, you will need the type 001 (fishing/small game), type 009 (big game gun) and/or 010 (bg archery) and type 094 for WMA big game hunting. It sounds like you got all the right licenses and you should have the temp kill tag attached to the orange ink print out that you bought.
if you bought them online then you will be mailed the tags...i cant remember what you do for online buys and they have not arrived yet. Worse case you can go buy a dup of them and get them all on 1 license.

after you kill you have to tag it and take it to a check station OR check it online.
I think if you have not recieved your tag yet then check in with social sec. number. You can ask in the TWRA forum and more than likely get an answer pretty quick from people in the know.
You've got the simple hunt/fish combo. Any big game hunting requires the appropriate permit, Gun or MZ or Archery. With each of these you get a temp kill tag to attach to the animal until you have checked it in, either at a check station or online, where either will issue you a permanent tag to stay with the meat/head.
Now if hunting on a WMA you will also need a WMA permit.

If your an avid hunter/fisherman it will benefit you to buy a Sportsmans license, which covers all of the above and even much more, such as Trout stamp and quota hunt fees, etc.
You might want to go over and ask the TWRA guys in the forum on here. You may be able to print out a tag since you bought your license online.
If you purchased a big game license on-line, you will receive a temporary kill tag with the license in the mail.

In the meantime, go on the TWRA web page and print off a temporary kill tag to use. When you kill an animal, take the tag out and punch out or mark the month and day of harvest on the tag.

You DO NOT however have to put it on the animal anymore. Simply fill out the tag and put it in your pocket to give to the person at the checking station. When the animal is checked, you will receive another tag.

Too many people were improperly attaching then tags and losing them, so the requirement to put on the animal was dropped.