Limbsavers ?


Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2007
Reaction score
Cookeville, TN
My bow came w/ one on the top limb and one on the bottom...Im told if you have a solid limb you can put 2 more on your limbs... is this true? does it help or hurt? My bow is relatively quiet, but Im not sure just how quiet they can get---i can hear it when i release so....??
ok then... i shot some yesterday and idk if it was the sound reflecting off the house but when i let go if was a little louder than i would think it should be...any easy advice on how to silence a little more w/o breaking the bank
ok then... i shot some yesterday and idk if it was the sound reflecting off the house but when i let go if was a little louder than i would think it should be...any easy advice on how to silence a little more w/o breaking the bank

spend 40 bux and get you an STS or another "string stop" type of system.

Stabilizers help some too.
Are you just hearing your release let go... or the thump from the bow?

My release is kinda loud, check and make sure your cams are not coming loose, the modules use allen head bolts and sometimes work loose. On my bow anyways.

Like Bob said, the STS will help alot.
I have a stabilizer but i have thought about the STS just dont know anythign about it... is it something i can put on or is it complicated? And its not my release itself, just the sound of the string firing... kinda like a thunk (like a much quieter version of a dry fire)...i may just be being too picky but i have seen bows shot on tv that were nearly a whisper...
sorry to sound ignorant here but wheres the cheapest place to get one? Ive looked on basspro,cabelas, sportsmans guides and i think all ive seen was around $50+....!!!
i also read that you have to add serving to the part of the string that would touch the sts is that true? idk how to do that...
The STS is not hard to install at all. I just get it so the string is centered on the rubber and leave a little daylight (1/16 of an inch max) between the string and the rubber. And yes it is a good idea to serve the string where it makes contact.

Have some one stand on the side of you when you shoot and get their opinion. It my just sound loud to you. My bow is that way. Seems loud to me, but I have a video of me shooting and it too is whisper quiet.
I have the limbsaver string stop....I like it alot. Seemed to help my ol' reflex.