Lined up for a shot hot off the roost....


Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2010
Reaction score
Franklin TN
Had one bird gobbling his head off on the roost. I got set up with a small draw between us, had to be 50 or 60 yards from his tree. Couldn't see him due to trees. Made a few yelps, also heard a couple other hens down by the creek. Heard him fly down. He gobbled a couple times, getting closer. Then the red and white head and swaying beard. He would half strut and look around and walk a little more. Finally I felt comfortable shooting him and just needed a clear shot and for him to stand still so I could get the bead on him. He moved through the trees as I lined up for the shot. Then.......... He flew across the creek. I looked down hill across the water in the grassy bottoms and he was blown up. He had a hen or two, but after several minutes they apparently went separate ways. He gobbled a couple times and strutted around, I think because I had called to him again. I backed out of there, spooking a couple deer that snuck up on me. I got upstream a good ways and crossed the creek. Now I am in the rather dense bottomland, and assuming he didn't cross again, he is somewhere nearby. But he's gone quiet for at least an hour now. No answer to my calls or anything.

Who thinks he will fire back up soon, and what's your guess on the percent chance of precipitation of copper plated lead? I can hunt till 3 at the very latest.
I'd say he found another hen and that's why he has gone quiet.... maybe a couple of hens... just be patient... He may also head back to where you first called to him after his hens leave him....
Good time for a nap...with a gobble alarm clock. :)

Just hang out awhile; he's still around there and they'll often gobble on their own once they've been lonesome a little while.
I moved to a nearby ridge and am doing just what y'all said... Woods nap... Will head back to the bottoms in a little while.
Boll Weevil said:
Good time for a nap...with a gobble alarm clock. :)

Just hang out awhile; he's still around there and they'll often gobble on their own once they've been lonesome a little while.

X2 I wish I could sleep at nite like I can in the woods nothing like it. He will wake you up soon. :)
Well I woke up to the sound of the breeze and the call of nature... So I had to relieve that call about 15 feet from my gun. Then I was standing there for a few minutes and almost thought I might have heard rustling in the leaves. So I marched the 15 feet back to my gun and POOF two turkeys flew off the ridge about 25 yards downhill from me. I saw one clearly had a jake tail. So they were either jakes or jennies, I'd say they were big enough to be jakes. And that is the first jake I have seen all season. Time to head back to the bottoms and see if Mr. Sway Beard wants to talk
Well it's 1:30 pm and I'm gonna head for the truck. Woods have been very quiet. That bird was fired up this morning but when he went quiet he stayed quiet. They have been doing that too much this year. Might come back in the morning but I don't know what side of the creek he will roost on and don't want to take off my boots to wade it in the dark. I've got options though and maybe I will find a cooperative gobbler tomorrow.

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