LOL- I am not a Responsible Deer Hunter


Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2002
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Lebanon,TN USA
On another forum, a guy said, "Responsible hunters will only hunt mature deer." This was in response to my post that a hunter, as long as it was legal and ethical, should whatever he or she wants.

Well, as you can imagine, I replied. I posed this question. Being a mature deer hunter if he had only one tag and an eight-year old spike walked out, would he shoot it or would he wait for a bigger antlered buck. Of course that was just the start. I went on to tear him a new one and he has not replied. I think it may have to do with the heaping ration he got from other posters.

So, are you a mature deer hunter or a big antler hunter?
Im just a deer hunter,little big small I miss them all lol,if its legal lay it down if you want to,I always try to up size when I can but some times I take what is offered if legal
i choose to shoot mature deer and i am fine with not shooting anything (which is normally how it plays out). i have a lot of other hobbies so i am fine with not killing a deer if its not the one I want
I prefer to shoot bucks that are at least 3 1/2 years old and does of any age. I will shoot a fawn if I'm pretty sure it's a doe fawn. I'm not interested in shooting button bucks (fawns), yearling bucks or 2 1/2 year old bucks. It doesn't do anything for me and if I want meat I'll shoot a doe unless it's gun season and the oppressive doe restrictions are in effect.
I am a mature/ big horn hunter. I don't care what people shoot I just don't get anything from shooting 5-10 does a year or a little bucks it doesn't get my heart pumping if it does then do what ever you wanna do just not my style as my style isn't your style I don't care what people do as long is it legal. responsible hunters do what makes them happy to have a safe, legal, ethical hunting season not make another hunter happy.
I shoot whatever is legal. But since ive moved to TN. Ive gotten to where i shoot 8 points are better. No matter how big the rack is. And if im having a bad year ill shoot whatever is legal to put meat in the freezer
I think y'all missed the operative word-responsible. He said a RESPOSNIBLE hunter will only shoot mature deer. What he meant was, we should all let little deer walk so he can kill one with big antlers. In other words, we should be RESPONSIBLE for his idea of deer hunting.
Shoot what you want its nothing to me but don't shoot every deer you see and call it a mature deer to give yourself that warm fuzzy feeling . I see a lot of small 4 and 6 point bucks that hunters call mature so they can feel good. I let over 12 bucks walk just last year some nice 8 points but were not matured yet . In ohio a 3 1/2 yr old buck is larger and looks more mature than a 5 1/2 yr old tn deer. This debate will go on and on so just do whatever you feel is best . RESPONSIBLE thats a good one
A responsible hunter has nothing to do with big horns, and everything to do with your safety, my safety and clean kills.
Rockhound said:
A responsible hunter has nothing to do with big horns, and everything to do with your safety, my safety and clean kills.

Well said.

I would also add to the definition of "responsible:" considers what is best for the deer herd when making harvest decisions. And this doesn't mean the hunter has to be making harvest decisions with the intend to "improve" anything. Simply--like a doctor's oath--do no harm.

And what would constitute "harm" could be very, VERY different depending on the location. In some areas, "shooting a few does for meat" would be harmful. In other areas, NOT shooting a few does would be harmful.
I'm both. I will kill a mature spike or a 140" 2.5year old. I will not shoot a young buck with little antlers. If I want meat I will shoot does.
I'm responsible for shooting any big antlered mature buck I might see. However, if a 3 year old is sporting a 140" set of antlers I might be responsible for shooting him as well. I'm also responsible for taking a few does each season with the goal in mind of keeping the deer numbers/balance in check. Having met those responsibilities, I'm also responsible for letting quite a few bucks walk every season.

Responsibilities aside, you can be a mature and big antlered hunter at the same time without asking the same of other hunters. Each hunter has somewhat of a goal for the season and how he goes about fulfilling that goal is up to him unless he has to meet a certain criteria that a club or organization has set before hand. If the goals and criteria don't jive then seek out and hunt where they do.

I will say that the odds for success are upped for my style of hunting when everyone is on that same page and luckily, that's my situation. I can fully understand why like minded individuals under "public" conditions wish for the same but the reality is there, you can't dictate to other hunters what they can or can't shoot. Therein lies the conflict and I see both sides at fault. I see most public accusations aimed at those "trophy" hunters who verbalize what "ought to be done" while silently the other side goes about continuing their status quo. The shame is that there are sides at all but I guess that is inevitable.
bowriter said:
On another forum, a guy said, "Responsible hunters will only hunt mature deer." This was in response to my post that a hunter, as long as it was legal and ethical, should whatever he or she wants.

Well, as you can imagine, I replied. I posed this question. Being a mature deer hunter if he had only one tag and an eight-year old spike walked out, would he shoot it or would he wait for a bigger antlered buck. Of course that was just the start. I went on to tear him a new one and he has not replied. I think it may have to do with the heaping ration he got from other posters.

So, are you a mature deer hunter or a big antler hunter?
Big antlers,which "usually" tends to be a mature buck.
I guess I would be considered irresponsible by that guy too. If it is legal, and I feel like killing it, I kill it. If I don't feel like killing it, I let it walk. What I feel like killing changes from day to day and hour to hour. All I know is kids are eating me out of house and home, and they prefer deer meat to all other meats. Next year I seriously doubt a legal deer will get a pass at any stage of the game. I have tried feeding them the antlers, but I have trouble getting them tenderized.
I am responsible for the death of the deer that I shoot. I am also responsible for the deer that I wound. I am responsible for the deer that I miss. If I were to have a hunting accident, I would be responsible for that too.
Love threads like this. This is exactly why we have it great in TN. You have the freedom to pretty much hunt the way you like.You can trophy hunt, meat hunt, mature buck hunt, what ever make you happy. Me I shoot what makes me happy. I'm leaning towards larger antlers and does. But if the mood strikes me almost anything except spikes may get an arrow.
In recent years I am leaning towards being a trophy hunter but to me a trophy is any buck with 100 inches. :) Most of the time I shoot one buck every other year. I've never made any effort to do that - just how it's worked out for a lot of years now.

Need one doe a year too most years.
WRbowhunter said:
Love threads like this. This is exactly why we have it great in TN. You have the freedom to pretty much hunt the way you like.You can trophy hunt, meat hunt, mature buck hunt, what ever make you happy.

Agreed WRbowhunter. I can hunt and manage the way I want. I like that. No complaints.

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