Long Bow

Apr 6, 2020
Reaction score
Franklin, TN
Anyone out there hunt deer with a long bow? If so, any recommendations as to type, model, brand, length, etc? Pros and cons of long bow? Am thinking of trying to make my own, any thoughts on that? thanks! CHAP Lane
The Length of the bow needs to be determined by how tall you are and how long your arms are. Do you know your draw length ??
I went through a couple of Bows before I got someone that knew what they were doing to help me. Standing on a flat surface the bow should come to your eyebrow.
PM sent.
I've killed a lot with a longbow, and quite a few with Osage orange longbows I've made myself.

For laminated glass bows, there are so many good ones it's hard to go wrong. Robertson Stykbow is my favorite.

Deep D cross section English longbows are a little tricky to make, and have some hand shock if you make the cow horn tips too big. But, they work well.
Consider me officially impressed! That's doing something right there!
Here is the last one I killed with a true wooden longbow of the deep D cross section like the old English Yew wood bows.

Yew is a more proper wood than Osage for a true Longbow, but Osage ain't bad. The horn tips are made from Texas Longhorn that I tipped back when their racks got too wide.

23 yard shot with a cedar arrow and tie on broad head that I forged myself.


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The neat thing about this small six point was that he died about ten steps from the Black Locust tree stump that I'd taken the tree from, to make the bow that killed him.

55 pound Black Locust selfbow and a ten yard shot.


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Ive killedca bunch with a recurve, but shot so much it was hurting my bow shoulder. Id heard longbows are more forgiving. This thread made me realize we use to have a primitive archery forum, but appears it's no longer here.
I am far and I mean far from an expert but I'll hand you my options. Trad archery is a whole nother world. Longbows tend to not stack (build up poundage) on the back end like a recurve. Length of bow depends on both your height and most importantly draw length. Of which your traditional draw length is not the same as your compound draw length for 90%plus. Also you need to consider if you want one with a shelf of shoot off hand. Hand made or mass produced. You also need a draw weight you can comfortably shoot over and over. With a good sharp fixed blade weighted for the bow you'll be surprised what it'll kill. Prime example is a 45lb recurve shooting a 1800 grain fiberglass arrow can blow thru a 30lb fish 3 feet under water from 15-20 feet away with a string tied to it. Now imagine same bow with an untethered 550gr arrow hitting a deer at 15 yards. Yeah it'll kill. Also careful of the Pro Shop BS on trad archery. Just cause you know how to string it and nock don't mean you a pro
I just started shooting a recurve regularly in April of 2021. i currently have a hybrid longbow being made by Baltic Bows and hopefully it'll be done in the next month or so 😬. If you want something custom that's not gonna break the bank, shoot Andis an email. He's great to work with and I've heard nothing but good things about his bows.

For the OP, one bow I think I may purchase that would make a great starter bow that many experienced archers still shoot is the Black Hunter bow. It can come with recurve limbs or longbow limbs and can come in poundage's from 25# to 60# @ 28". I think it's like 60" long and fits up to a 30ish" draw.

Bows are usually pretty personal so the make, model, etc. is usually based on your draw length, strength, and form. If you fall into the average draw length range of 27"-29", just about any 58-62" bow will work. If just starting out, I'd recommend 25-35# @ 28" to work on form. Once you get that down then move up to something like 40-45#.
I would absolutely encourage making a self bow. I've mentioned on the forum before that out of 119 filled tags, the young doe I took with a bow I built is the most rewarding. And got it on video!! You can do it pal.
When making a bow also expect to break a bunch before you get it right. I'm on my 5th now out of black locust. Other 4 never made it to completion. This is a pic of my Treadway Black Swamp that I hunt with.


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