long bows and treestands


Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2002
Reaction score
Seymour, TN
Do any of you guys hunt with a long bow out of a tree stand? last year was the 1st year I hunted with a long bow. this year I plan on doing a lot more of it. I found it very difficult to shoot the bow out of the stand but i think it would be even harder to get a deer within 20 to 15 yards and get a shot off while one the ground. What do you guys think?
I do. I dont use a climber with a bar in front. some ladder stands designs can also cause a limb clearance problem. you cant shoot behind the tree as easily as with a compound. I have shot a couple of does from the tree but have had most of my shot opportunities from the ground. every thing is setup and where the deer come from. ground is harder hunting but you realize that from the beginning and you will more than likely make yourself work harder to make it happen.
i killed one from a tree, then started hunting from the ground, just works better for me. have to really pay attention on the ground.
Shooting from the ground is do-able just as long as you properly utilize cover. Set up near a clearing where you've seen sign and just kinda hide back in the brush. Gonna be a lot easier to kill a doe than a buck, to be honest. At least, around here, the does will stand there and stare at you for an eternity. As long as you don't make any jerking movements and just draw your bow, shoot fast and smooth, you shouldn't have a problem. A buck might be a little trickier though.
