. Went to my good deer hunting spot today to look for morels and turkeys,but the turkeys on this property I have never been able to kill. 2 jakes years ago but never a ole long beard .19 yrs to be exact they been giving me fits mostly go to another property to hunt turkeys only 1-2 times do I give this property a chance any more the terrain and turkeys patterns for this property is really rough.......until today !!!!! Went in looking for morels walking and calling spooked several deer,after hitting the bottoms I figured I try the ridge that crosses the power line spook more deer,decided to take a seat above the pond and below the field fired off a cut and yelp he answered,I thought ya right...3 more times he a gobbled before I decided I'd give him a shot a got a good location on him,set up just above the pond in my new turkey lounger,which I love btw. Let out 2-3 more calls and here he comes strutting and drumming but I can't see him until last sec aim ....fire......it hits him but he flies straight up and back down and walks off headed up the field son of a %��*&/ I jack another shell in now there is some blackberry bushes between us so I drop all my gear run up to the bushes lean over he's a ways off, too far honestly.... I took aim ...bang flop right in the back of the head he's stone dead !! GPS said it was 72 yds .....sometimes you just have to get lucky . 21.5 lbs 1 in spurs 8.5 in beard
i personally have no problem shooting that distance for a follow up shot after you know he is already hit. Congrats and good job for not giving up on him to die later and you never finding him.