My wife shoots the BowTech Equalizer and has shot some of the newer bows made for women today. She still clings to that Equalizer.
If you guys are interested in the Passion but don't want to spend the $$ for one, you do realize that the DXT is the same basic bow? Same A-A length and everything is pretty much identicle. The only real difference is the brace height. The Passion has a 6" and the DXT has a 7" and if you ask me, I would rather have the inch extra BH than the little speed increase you would get from the 6" BH. As a matter of fact I just plugged both of them into my software ballistics and here's what I got for an average woman's bow setup.
Draw Length = 25"
Draw Weight = 45#
Arrow = Gold Tip Ultralite 600 with 75 grain tip
DXT = 254 fps
Passion = 257 fps
You can get used DXTs loaded out for less than what a new bare Passion costs.
The Equalizer would be right there with those bows in speed. My wife is actually just pulling 40 pounds and shooting the same arrow as above, and her bow is 243 fps through my chrony with 5 less pounds. I put it on around 45 the other day and it was also mid 250s. Not bad for a hunting arrow setup for that short of draw and poundage. That bow with her target arrow is barely ASA legal at that same poundage. The bows birth certificate says 289 fps at 50 pounds. You can find the Equalizers used on AT but they go very fast. There was a guy from around Cleveland, TN that posted in the classfieds here that had 2 brand new ones in the box. But that has been months ago and I don't know if he still has them or not.