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Lots of turkeys-hard to hunt


Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2001
Reaction score
Greene County
These pics are from one of my spots.Very hard to hunt because it is a dairy farm with nothing but hay and pasture fields. There are two small areas for a person to make setups and hope for the best. Here are some pics to show why I like to hunt here though.

There are over 50 turkeys here but they are about to break up. There are three different flocks of toms and hens. Strutter on top of pic never let his group get mixed up with the rest. He has 4 jakes and 5 hens with him.

Strutter to the left of pic has another longbeard with him, numerous jakes, and most of the hens. Two strutters on right have 10-15 hens that you can't see.


Single strutters hens are working up a draw to the left.

The two strutters hens are with them and off on the side of that hogback ridge. Got pics of one covering a hen.

Anyways I got to take a lot of pics. Going tomorrow morn to video and decide where we are going to set up Sat morn. Have to live or die with it. Can't move once it gets daylight.
great pics! Have you concidered a blind in your set up. They pay absolutely no attention to a blind. That with some decoys might be a good bet first part of the season! Good luck.
nice, good luck man. nothing to me is harder to kill then a field bird!! have ALOT of stories of trying to kill some like that and i will say 99% didnt end the way i wanted them to lol
I would put up about 3 blinds and sit it out. Once they become territorial they will attack a jake decoy if you put one out.
You'd be amazed just what kind of cover you can find in a wide open field. I've got a spot similar to your pics above and I can get into a tiny sinkhole (4x4 ft, approx 20" deep) in the middle of the field where the birds want to pitch to in the mornings. Killed several gobblers 1-5 minutes after flydown at that spot.

The key to hunting in the middle of wide open fields is to get set up WELL before daylight. Essentially, you've got to commit to the spot even before the birds start gobbling in the morning, because if you wait to confirm their location, it'll be too light to make it through the field without them spotting you from the trees.
This is going to be fun. I went back this morning to get a game plan together. Took a lot of pics but was a sorry photographer today. Had gobblers with hens come in from 3 different directions. had 7 LBs and maybe as many as 20 jakes. There were strutting turkeys scattered for 200 yards. Good thing is that there are 2 longbeards making it to the fields first that are subordinates. They will be our best chance for a double. If we don't kill we will sure have frustrating fun trying. Good luck to all and happy hunting.