Loud bow


Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2006
Reaction score
Morgan Co
I noticed my string leeches?? I think thats what they are called,or sting silencers,today and the bottom 1 on the string,was in pretty rough shape,so i took it off and the top one was in bad shape also,so I took it off too..WOW,my bow is loud now..I don't like it one bit..Im going to get me some string silencers tomorrow! It sounds like a bow that was made in the 70's!!
You ever looked into a "string stopper?" I've had one on my newest bow and wouldnt do without one. I dont have a need for string leeches with it.
String suppressor and string stopper are just different names for the same thing. They mount to your bow and the string hits them when you shoot and they absorb vibration and make the bow quieter. They don't attach to/in your string like the leeches.
There are a bunch of different brands and models, that is just one of many.
string suppressor/string stopper/sts.. all the same. Here is a pic of one. It suppresses and stops the string from forward movement.

Yep they do make a difference. I have an sts and cat whiskers on my bow. The sts makes it quiet enough but the cat whiskers make it almost silent! If I was just going to put one on my bow it would be the sts.
Gonna have to go with the string leeches for now,until I get $40 freeed up,trying to buy tires for my truck at the moment and they are expensive!But as soon as I get some money,Im gonna get me a STS...
Yea the only reason I have one on my blackhawk is because it came on it..LOL. I tell you what I did, I got on AT and bought some colored whisker material and learned how to put my own on. Those little whisker puff balls quieten a bow down like day and night. It definately helps to use serving to tie them on also..LOL, I tried spiderwire, which worked after it cut my fingers off, but it started sliding down some.
I got into that do it yourself crafter thing, I tried to make my own lumenoks (glued myself everywhere), put my own string leaches on (turned out awesome orange, blue, and brown), and made my own wrist sling to match...lol My A.D.D. kicked in that day.