
I think you have this posted twice.
They can affect your Point of Impact. It will change your Front of Center balance on the arrow. How much will depend on arrow weight, point weight and Lumenok weight.
So try it with your Broadheads for practice and see if you experience a change in impact. It may not be enough to notice and it may be huge. No way to tell until you try.

If your arrows are spined stiff enough. You may be able to add a little weight to point end to offset the weight on the nock end.
W.Seay said:
Don't buy lumenocks, they suck! Buy nocturnals! They actually are worth having!

i haven't had any problems with the luminocks in 5 or 6 years. i have 2 in my quiver right now that are 3 years old and have both been through a deer. they still work just fine.
but that's been my experience. obviously yours is different ;)
stik said:
W.Seay said:
Don't buy lumenocks, they suck! Buy nocturnals! They actually are worth having!

i haven't had any problems with the luminocks in 5 or 6 years. i have 2 in my quiver right now that are 3 years old and have both been through a deer. they still work just fine.
but that's been my experience. obviously yours is different ;)

Same here. I have one in my quiver that has been thru two deer and a song dog and still flies straight as can be.
W.Seay said:
the nocturnals are MUCH better than the lumenocks, atleast for me and 4-5 other friends that have used both.

Do you mind sharing your opinion on why they are so much better than the lumenok?

after blowing through a doe at 22 yds. still glowing.
I didn't care for the added weight to the back of the arrow. It did affect my arrow flight, especially at longer ranges. I used the Easton Tracer nock and didn't like the whole magnet concept either. I have yet to lose an arrow without a tracer nock. I guess I'm luck in that respect.