Made a Memory

TN Whitetail Freak

Well-Known Member
Nov 29, 2009
Reaction score
My military brother thinks he wants to turkey hunt....ive known him for 15 years since 6th grade....I told him be at the house at 4:30 and we will go check a spot out....well we get to the swamp bottom and hike in....its a hour walk in and we hear a gobble...i told him we got to go because he is a long ways off. We get within 150 yds and couldnt go any further. The river stopped us and continued to gobble half unwilling to leave him i told my biddy lets go check sme fields well around 7:30 we make to the fields and i glass them from within the woods....nothing....feeling defeated and that we wasted a morning then a bird hammers he and his brother were just sttutting up out of the woods with 2 hens. I looked at my friend and said what the heck was that a gobble? With enthusiasm he said YES. I find them and now hes gobbling alot. We devised a plan to duck back into the timber close the distance to there location then walk back up to the field. We made our "U" route and we got as close as i felt comfortable with....i say go set over there im gonna sit right here and call them up hopefully but i doubt they come they already have hens. I call and they immediately begin feeding toward us and gobbking. I tell him they coming im getting your first bird and my first double. We were setup about 100 yds off the field edge and they had to walk another 100 to the field edge. Then i see a head at 70. Its thick! They are closing in then i realize we didnt agree on a signal to when to shoot! I ask him Do you see em he nods. In a panic to figure out a signal to shoot i say his name in a loud wisper "PERRY" he turns and looks out of instict and i knew i what i had just done and i hear "putt putt" dammit! Shoot one. Shoot one at this point both birds were at 45 yds....and in a flash both birds were gone and i seen him hang his head cause he knew he got busted....i began laughing so hard i was in tears as he emotionally wrote a Kick Me sign and stick it on his back. Of course he didnt literally but his face said it all. Because i knew where he was at emotionally at the moment and knowing the feeling i just begin laughing so hard and he couldnt help but wonder what the heck was so funny yet he smirked.....oh well we'll get em next time but you do know you blowed my first double and that birds dont just come in like that all the time....he just shook his head....wont ever forget that hunt
The ones that got away seem to stick with us the longest.

Are you guys going to be able to go again?