Magnum Blend


Well-Known Member
Jul 30, 2011
Reaction score
Carroll County
Ive been shooting Hevi Shot products for several years and the Magnum Blends are awesome! I couldnt believe how many pellets I had in a 10 inch circle at 40 yards! I seen where there offering a $10.00 rebate know. Limit 2 boxes. If you havent tried them yet this would be a great time to pick up a box and see if your going to like them! I know I do!
If your going to buy, better do it NOW before the major suppliers change to the new price..... Hevi-Shot ammo went up $6-$10 a box... depending on what you get.... I have seen the MagBlends for $35 a box...

Last week BassPro still had some at $22 a box.... I got the last 3 boxes they had.
Not sure who your asking, but I use an Indian Creek .665, Pure Gold .670, Rhino .660 & .675, Jelly Head .660 & .665.... I pair one of them with whichever patterns best along with POA/POI using MagBends, #6's or #7's.
If they go up to $35 a box, I will go back to lead. I am not going to shoot past 40 yards anyway. It dosnt feel like I have called them up when I kill them at 40.I just wanting a little more insurance that when my gun goes boom he goes down for the count.
Grizzly Johnson said:
If your going to buy, better do it NOW before the major suppliers change to the new price..... Hevi-Shot ammo went up $6-$10 a box... depending on what you get.... I have seen the MagBlends for $35 a box...

Last week BassPro still had some at $22 a box.... I got the last 3 boxes they had.

at the new price i might go to nitro again.thats about what they cost.
If you shop around, you can find them for $30 and less..... some places still have them at last years price.... new stock = new prices.

I see lead in my future if the prices keep going up.
I got 2 boxes of 3.5s at BassPro a month ago for $21.99 each. I'm not sure that's still the case.

Paid for with funds I got from sale of Winchester Supremes and Extended Range 3.5s :)
I know the price increase is terrible but its not like your shooting a ton during turkey season like duck season. In most cases, people typically shoot 2 or 3 long beards a year. Not saying that some dont kill alot more, but typically. In the grand skem of things $30 or $35 dollars a box isnt really that bad for a whole turkey season.
letrfly27 said:
I know the price increase is terrible but its not like your shooting a ton during turkey season like duck season. In most cases, people typically shoot 2 or 3 long beards a year. Not saying that some dont kill alot more, but typically. In the grand skem of things $30 or $35 dollars a box isnt really that bad for a whole turkey season.

Your right, not that bad for hunting.... but would get expensive for testing purposes....
I bought them last weekend at $20 a box (5 ct) for 3 in at BPS in Nashville. Has anyone found them cheaper? I found them comparable last yr at Gander Mtn in Jackson, if I remember right
$20 is right and you should be able to find the magblends at that for a while. The straight 7's and 6's are going to be more of an issue short term.

however personally i think people are in a panic and will cause more of the shortage issue just like with pistol ammo a few years ago. Where this will be a bit more long term due to it being a seasonal ammo it will eventually come back to a more reasonable price.

this single price raise is going to cost Hevi TONS of customers over the long run, however short term they are killing it as people are rushing to buy up old stock. Next year when there is no more old stock and only the $30 boxes around people will just choose to buy Lead again or go to Nitros. It will come back down at somepoint as Hevi really cannot afford to compete with Nitro, the reason hevi was so great is it was a hevi style shot for a mid level price.
I just bought a new Rhino .670 to try this year. The Magnum Blends should like it :)
Just FYI but Bass Pro in Nashville has a slough of them on the self in 20ga and 12ga for 3" and 3.5" for the normal $17-$21 range. Just passing it on for anyone still looking, will be gone soon then the new price inserted.