Roost 1 said:
I am just wondering if the 4 bird limit has added to the decrease in birds. How long has TN had a the 4 bird limit?? I remmber when it was 3 and we had plenty of birds in Stewart Co. but I lost the place to hunt.
The philosophy for the limit on turkeys is similar to buck limits. A small percentage of turkey hunters actually kill 4 birds every year. I don't know the actual percentage of TN hunters who do. Does anyone else?
The point being that game and fish populations are meant to be utilized (harvested). So, if we don't have to be more restrictive why would we?
It's the same thing with jakes being legal. Most hunters voluntarily pass on jakes. Why restrict those who just want a bird to eat from killing jakes?
I'm with REN. What most notice as a decline is actually a shift from a rapidly expanding population to a stable population. You see the same thing with farm ponds. A farm pond is often its most productive the first five years after stocking before the fish numbers and size stabilize.