Mathews switch back

In my lowly opinion the Switchback is the best bow Matthews has ever made. I shot a buddies and it is sweet. From what I have seen online your looking from $450 to $600 dependent on what comes with it.
redheadshooter said:
In my lowly opinion the Switchback is the best bow Matthews has ever made.
x2...especially if you are talking about a pure hunting bow.
I bought a used switchback xt about 6 weeks ago and i love it. Paid 450. Had a whisker biscuit, a dozen arrows, kwickee quiver, a release and the guy also threw in an old the block target. First shot out of it hit the bullseye at 25 yards. I had a mathews Ultralight I bought new in 1993 or 94. It shot great but the switchback xt has little shock after the shot. I would buy that one for 375 if i were you.
Good price . Check the string and cable too . Make sure they are in good shape as well as the overall shape of the bow .
I never owned one , but have shot one and I would also say its the best bow Mathews ever made . If they brought that model back with a few refinements , I'd buy one .
The switchback xt would have come home with me a few years ago if I hadnt been broke. That thing felt amazing in my hands and shot like a dream.
Just sold mine earlier this yr for a helium. I kept it so long because since my new one thats has the least kick of all the mathews models. I shot a 435gr arrow and it shot 279fps. Sold it with QAD, HHA sight, winners choice string, maxima arrows, sports action camera for $450. Killed alot of deer with it but gona try and kill more with new one. I wouldnt give more than $450 for one setup decent tho.
I've shot one for about 5 years now and love it. Also shot and held my buddies bows that are newer and lighter, but prefer my Switchback over the newer models. It seems to be balanced really well and weighs enough to make it stable, but not too heavy to make it uncomfortable to hunt with. Sometimes lighter/smaller is not always better when it comes to bow accuracy IMO.