Maybe just 3 or 4 more?

Good time Charlie

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 1999
Reaction score
On the river

I am getting bored,have to build another one or 2.

Maybe 21 or 22 in the tub
Catman ,I will build You one for what the parts cost ..You can even buy the parts.I never sell them.
I would realy like to get more people interested in building cams and video units.
i would be interesteed in one too pm me all the info if you dont care. i have a good friend from claiborne county so where up that way alot
Hope you will send me your phone # so we can talk about trail cams=
I'd love to have a new one and have my old one (also a homebrew from way back when) updated and or reworked=
thanks much=
Doc Stone

931-510-4302 cell anytime

PS= says your PM's are full=
Charlie have u ever thought about making a tutorial video. There seems to be a lot of intrest in making them/having you make them. Add me to the list but I would like to learn to make them my self. I'm tired of spending money on cameras that don't work. I have 3 camera at home that don't work and figure I could use the boxes for home brews. So if you get time or done doing the ones your asked to build I would love to have a list of stuff I need to buy and a lesson on how to build them. I looked on you tube and can't a video.
I would definitely be interested in building some myself, Charlie you interested in doing a tutorial for dummies??