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Mid-West Crops


Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2009
TN & Western KY
Just got back for visiting Grandkids in Kansas last night, of course I didn't see all the crops but here's up I did see.

West KY

I went from Clarksville, TN to Ft. Riley Kansas

Kansas looked the best, along I-70 and the eastern part the best.
Missouri the 2nd best, crops looked average
Western KY not good corn burnt in it late small ears, early beans Ok, no-till in wheat could get hurt will early frost
pastures burnt up, clover to
Illinois, worst I ever seen it, this was I-24,I-57&I-67
have the corn was 3-4' tall, some had already had ears and done,
some will never make ears. early beans so-so and many of the wheat fields were never planted.

Some of Illinois and Western KY got some small amounts of rain
Some of the land managers I know in southern IL say the farmers are turning under the corn. Didn't make ears and isn't going to.
Here in rutherford co., the corn on our place has made, but very small ears, might make 30 or 4o bushels an acre. A neighbor has about 300 acres with no ears and is cutting it for silage, and another neighbor is cutting about 300 acres for hay tomorrow...

I really feel for the mid-west. Not only is the crop a failure, but the seed crop will be a failure, thus driving up seed cost and availblility next year.
Those that love to hunt over bait are going to have some expensive deer meat next year and possibly this fall.

I forsee very little corn in front of my cameras if prices go up like I think they will.

Look for beef to sky high as well.
We got a LOT of help from the last few days of pretty good rains so I'm feeling much better about how things might turn out in our neck of the woods. We certainly aren't in great shape, but it could be way worse.
Quite a few of the corn fields I've seen are turning brown. There's a few that are still green, but it won't stay that way for long if we don't get some rain.
I drove to Indianapolis and back on Saturday. Some sad looking crops along I-65. They are much drier than middle TN.

I was hoping my new Illinois river bottom lease wouldn't flood this year. :(

redblood said:
BSK said:
Some of the land managers I know in southern IL say the farmers are turning under the corn. Didn't make ears and isn't going to.

i hope they dont do that on our farms up there

According to the weather channel, they had 0.23 inches of rain for the whole month of June. Then yesterday they got twice that with 0.47 inches. Hopefully, it's not too little too late.
A couple of days ago my brother was telling me they were at a 20% loss so far on their 5,000 acre corn/bean operation in Weakely and Obion. I figured it would be worse than that out there. I guess the Midwest is alot worse off.
They sound lucky smstone22, my brother-in-law was telling me the other day they are looking at 75-80% loss on his corn,,,, in the GOOD fields.

I wish I could remember when I bought my new rain gauge.
Last night was the first time I had a drop of rain at my house ever since.
I believe it was the weekend before Memorial day.
Although it is going to be brutal on the farmers, crop failures are going to mean a boom for hunters. I expect the same is going to be true here even on deer who are totally feeding on woodland food sources.

The exception is going to be in areas so badly hit the deer are forced to reloacte to find a food source of any kind.
Master Chief said:
My cousin, who lives in WI, said they're corn is barely knee tall.

South of Green Bay is hurting and along the Wi/IL border they are saying it maybe too late and the crop may have been lost already.

However north of Green Bay, is supposed to be doing nicely. I'll find out next weekend. I'm helping my old hunting party hang stands and cut the clover paths, one last time.

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