Milking it


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2007
Reaction score
Hickman Co.
Just curious when that LB gets into range how many like to watch the show for a minute or two before pulling the trigger or pull the trigger the first chance you get.I guess alot would depend on the way the bird is acting. I've actually let them get a little too close because I just was in awe of the sight I was seeing.
i watch them and play them as long as they are willing to stay in range,nothing like that ole long beard making my ears ring and chest vibrate at 10-15 yards with his gobbling and drumming!!!!
having only a few birds under my belt, no longbeard yet, and been hunting them for only a year or two... I'd shoot the first chance I got every time. Some time down the road, with a number of longbeards under my belt, I will probably want to enjoy the show a while before shooting.
As I hunt small fields(and some not so small) I can usually see him long enough where I can enjoy his strutting, fanning, etc. out of range. Once he gets within range, show's over!
i made the mistake of getting mesmorized one time (when i was 16 and had a few under my belt) at a gobbler my dad called up for me at 40 yards well within killing distance that before i knew it he had walked off the hill to the hens that come to us to and i almost got sick when i realized what had happened
Most of the time I put the hammer on them first chance I get... I let a few put on a show too long and they slipped away or I did something stupid and spooked them. I enjoy the show but I like eating them even more... :)
Lawrence said:
I shoot as soon as I can

Ditto. Been hunting close to 25 years. I'm a pessimist and am always afraid of what may go wrong.

Wish I could wait a bit, but I just can't do it with the little devil sitting on my left shoulder screaming at me to shoot :D !
As soon as his feet step into my comfortable range ( 40 yards) he gets shot, unless he is B-lining to me then I will let him get as close as 20 yards or so, but thats it.
REN said:
I just wait for the best shot as long as he is calm I will wait for it. The second he gets nervous I pull the trigger.

bvoss said:
As soon as his feet step into my comfortable range ( 40 yards) he gets shot, unless he is B-lining to me then I will let him get as close as 20 yards or so, but thats it.

Bout the way I feel too....
Just so it clear for any youngsters on here, saying you shoot them ASAP still means with a clear sight path to the bird and beyond. Always be mindful of what is around and behind the Tom. Shooting through foliage is not a habit you should get in as it distorts what is around and behind the bird. I know that's what most on here mean but just don't want to give any youngsters the wrong idea.

Shooting at a turkey is not different then any other game. SEE THE WHOLE PICTURE and aim straight.