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Mock scrape sites


Well-Known Member
Aug 9, 2004
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I plan to try a mock scrape camera setup this year. What are some tips to improve success and some things to avoid?

BSK - feel free to write the how to novel :D
I like to place mine in the same area as other scrapes, and do everything you possibly can to keep your scent off of everything.
The most difficult aspect of making mock scrapes to describe is where to make them. To aid with determining that, remember what scrapes are: a communication device between deer, and primarily between bucks. So if scrapes are primarily a communication device between bucks, they will occur (or should be made) in areas where bucks naturally congregate, whether that is because of a concentrated food source, a travel bottleneck or pinch-point, high-quality security cover, etc. Basically, mock scrapes will be most effective if they are made in a location where numerous bucks are going to travel through anyways. Make a scrape in such an area, and bucks will find it.

Some of my favorite locations for finding real scrapes or making effective mock scrapes are along field edges (especially food plot edges), on trails or old roadbeds leading to food sources, on trails or old roads near the edge of thick cover, and in trails/old roads along ridgelines, at ridge-line saddles, and paralleling creeks.

When making a mock scrape, having an overhanging limb at the right height (4-5 feet off the ground) is the most critical factor. And as others have mentioned, I see much better results using my own urine as the "starter scent" than any commercial scent.

I used the method described by BSK (with my own brand of scent) to make this scrap last year. It was on the edge of a soybean in a secluded corner. I got several pics of bucks on it.
When do most of you create the first of the season's mock scrape setups? When do your camera scrape setups receive the most visits by mature bucks (4.5 plus) ? Thanks, HMH
I would like to know what everybody else does. I start mine a week or two before bow season.
HMHunters75 said:
When do most of you create the first of the season's mock scrape setups? When do your camera scrape setups receive the most visits by mature bucks (4.5 plus) ? Thanks, HMH
HMHunters75 said:
When do most of you create the first of the season's mock scrape setups? When do your camera scrape setups receive the most visits by mature bucks (4.5 plus) ? Thanks, HMH

I generally don't start making mock scrapes until the real ones start to appear, which in my area is early to mid-October.

Mature buck usage of scrapes peaks just before breeding explodes, with a secondary peak towards the tail-end of the rut (about a month after the pre-breeding peak).
What BSK said....

Kick up a area of dirt about 1.5 to 2 feet in diameter underneath what could be used as a licking branch. Kick some dirt to one side as if it had been pawed out...pee in it...take a stick and rub a few hoof marks in it...with a gloved hand slightly break a stick or two above it and leave it hanging...and you're good to go...... I am also in the habit of peeing in the real scrapes as well. I've had deer hit a mock scrape in as little as a hour after I was there....

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