montec tekan 2

Worst broadhead I ever used. The o-ring will come loose in your quiver and you may not notice it until you are coming to full draw on a deer.

Interesting 102...

I have some buddies up here that have killed 20+ deer a year the last few years with them and love them. These guys are serious too. They are pricy, but I love the design

102, do you use a quiver with foam in it that the bh slides into? my buddies are just hoods with rubberized plastic on the inside.

I guess there are two sides to every coin...
I use the Bohning quiver. The arrows are held in two spots. THe hood has little contact with the head. It may be true that I just had a bad experience with one head (I still killed the deer), but that is the only chance I will give a product.

I have used MANY expandable and fixed heads. I've had great success with most. Only a few failed actual field tests. This was one.

I bought a pack of the 125grn heads. teh ones that they have on sale from last year. After getting them out of the package and saw how they work.....I think I will stick with my rock mountain snyper two blade. Just didn't care for the way they function. granted I never shot them.

There was a great article in the latest issue of bowhunting world magazine. They did a very extensive test on sixteen broadheads. Very informative.